Obsessive-communist gospel: furniture that hides itself

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Ningbo Actmix produces a group of environmental-friendly Rubber additives & chemicals. As special accelerator for EPDM and other synthetic rubber compound, does not contain any secondary amines which can form nitrosamines during vulcanization; and with excellent performance and dispersion. These chemicals included Actmix®Phosphorodithioic range, Actmix®CLD-80, Actmix®Retarder E-80, Actmix®TBzTD-70, Actmix®ZBEC-70 etc.

Actmix®Pre-dispersed rubber chemicals, impurity free, blocked filter free of extrusive products, scrap rate reduction and higher productivity thanks to filtration.Wider compatibility with other elastomers.

These chemicals are widely used for automotive rubber sealing system, sealing strip, rubber hose etc technical parts.

Environmental-friendly Rubber Chemical

Environmental-friendly Rubber Chemical,Environmental-friendly Elastic Rubber,Environmental Life Casting Silicone Rubber,Environmental-friendly Rubber Getting Raw Oil

Ningbo Actmix Rubber Chemicals Co., Ltd. , http://www.actmixchemicals.com